Using video and automated timers together helps paint the full picture for a speed coach
Since we build our timers from the board up and we write the software code from scratch, we have total control over the features we add to our timers.
One such feature is the Automated Video feature in our PowerPack series of timers.
Since these timers use a computer running our software, we can pull off some pretty cool tricks and video is definitely one of the best.
Essentially, the laptop allows the timer and the camera to talk to each other and run in sync.
How does this work?
Imagine the camera is always rolling, but the laptop is not capturing the footage until it gets the signal from the laptop. What this allows us to do is to have a video perfectly in sync with the timer and display the time on the video screen. Each video starts 2 seconds before the athlete begins, which gives a good look at the start as well.
It’s not magic, but it seems like it. We just need to tell the laptop what video to grab from the camera that is constantly rolling. And the result is a video that can be watched next to another video without the hassle of trying to line them up at the exact start when you want to compare two athletes, or trails.
Pretty Cool, eh?
The key is to place the camera in the same place each and every time you record an event, this gives you the same look over and over.
When you start adding in other training tools, such as force plates that measure balance and explosive power, you now can get right to the heart of what an athlete needs to work on without guessing as to what is going on.
Watch this video for more: