What is the Expanded Report?
It’s a 40+ page comprehensive analysis which details the performance of an athlete who has taken the Standardized Athletic Test. Along with performance tips, it includes information showing how an athlete stacks up to others in the same class playing the same position.
What does it include?
Who should buy this?
Any athlete who is serious about their training and wanting to play sports at the next level should purchase this. Until you know where you are, and see where you need to be, you cannot set your goals to be the best.\
How can this help me?
Combine numbers are becoming more and more important, and like any big test, you need to study. This is like your study guide for you next test in that it shows you where your strengths are and what areas you need to improve in to improve your ranking. An excellent showing at a combine can get you on the radar quickly.
Once I get the report, what do I do with it?
I suggest you review the report with a qualified coach or trainer who is familiar with combine testing. These numbers can provide direction to athletes in training and maybe guidance as to what position you should play based on your strengths. You should also hold onto it, as this is your baseline performance and you will want to train hard and beat these scores the next time you test. Comparing reports is a good way to see how much you have improved and if your training methods are working.
Why do you charge for this service?
Above and beyond your results at the combine, there are a lot of ‘numbers inside the numbers’ – and we work hard to give these numbers meaning. We think just telling an athlete to, “run faster if they want to get better” is a crime. There is so much value in knowing what you need to focus on to accomplish your goals. Feedback from parents who have given this report to speed coaches are always positive; we help focus the training so they get better faster, and we give them numbers that show if the training is working. Given the cost of hiring a speed coach, this report will put your training weeks ahead of schedule at a fraction of the price.
Are there any other advantages to this Athletic Assessment?
Personally, I think showing athletes the comparative data from the NFL Scouting Combine is a great motivation tool. Athletes work harder when they set a goal and they become more accountable when they measure their progress. A second advantage is that this report can be used to compare an athlete to others at more than one position. I have found athletes that convert from tight end to linebacker, or defensive end to tackle, based on where they stack up against others in that position. So while you might not be a fast running back, your speed might be elite when compared to others in another position. That data is invaluable and I wonder, how else can you find this out?
How long does it take to get?
Where do I order my Expanded Report?
Often times we offer reports at a discounted price before and at the event, this is usually through a special link on in an email or on a flyer. After events, look for the link to order that comes along with your 1-page report, although by this time, reports may be full price (but still well worth the money!)
Or you can click here to order now. Please specify the event, and include the Athlete Number if you happen to have it. (Yes. We do have athletes with the same names at nearly every event.)
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